Table flags


The width of drop down lists are adapted so that the widest list entry is completely visible.


Buttons ( Drop down buttons and M!Table buttons ) are located right hand outside the cell area.
See also: Buttons.


Buttons ( Drop down buttons and M!Table buttons ) are drawn with a flat border ( if no Windows Theme is active ).


Buttons ( Drop down buttons and M!Table buttons ) are always shown.
Normally, buttons are only shown when the table is in editing mode.
This flag has no effect when MTBL_FLAG_BUTTONS_OUTSIDE_CELL is set.
See also: Buttons.


The background of the focus frame is painted with the background color of the table. If you have many different cell colors, the table looks a little bit more "consistent" if this flag is set.
See also: Custom fonts and colors.


Paints the background color of columns over the entire table instead of painting only in row cells.
See also: Custom fonts and colors.


Paints the background color of rows over the entire table instead of painting only in column cells.
See also: Custom fonts and colors.


Expands line breaks ( carriage return / line feed ) in cell texts instead of displaying a special character,
regardless whether LinesPerRow < 2 and/or a column's WordWrap property is not set.


Parent rows are expanded/collapsed on double click.
See also: Tree view.


Tab characters are expanded instead of displaying a special character. Affects all cell texts in the table and tooltips.


The cells in the overlapping areas of row and column selection are also inverted or, if selection colors
are used, drawn with the selection colors.
See also: Extended selections


Draws all headers with a gradient background, beginning at the top with white and ending at the bottom with the current background color.
See also: Custom fonts and colors.


Permanent buttons are not shown in non editable cells ( cells which are disabled or read only ).
See also: Buttons.


The default colors of the current Team Developer Theme are ignored. Instead, the "old fashioned" default colors are used.


The current Windows Theme is ignored.
All child controls ( buttons, drop down buttons, checkboxes etc. ) are drawn according to the classic style.
Furthermore, the default colors of the classic style are used.


If set and a multiline cell is in editing mode:

If the caret is in the first line and the up-arrow is pressed, the input focus is moved up (to the next editable cell above).

If the caret is in the last line and the down-arrow is pressed, the input focus is moved down (to the next editable cell below ).

Doesn't apply to popup edit cells.


The column header isn't visible


With 8 bit color depth, colors which are not in the VGA palette are replaced with the nearest VGA color instead of dithering them.
This applies to tooltips, too.


No lines are painted in the area right of the last visible column.
See also: Custom lines.


No lines are painted in the area below the last visible row.
See also: Custom lines.


No horizontal lines and no 3D edges are drawn in the row header.

This flag has no effect if MTBL_FLAG_GRADIENT_HEADERS is set.
See also: Custom lines.


When sorting, rows which are part of merged rows and/or cells keep their position among themselves.
See also: Extended sorting.


When sorting, the tree is automatically restored if any parent and/or child rows were affected.
See also: Extended sorting.


Suppresses the row focus frame.


Suppresses row selection by user action and/or calls to SalTblSetRowFlags and/or SalTblSetFlagsAnyRows.
Please note that M!Table temporarily sets the table flag TBL_Flag_SingleSelection if you click and begin dragging the mouse for row selection.
See also: Extended selections.


Enables horizontal thumbtrack scrolling ( the table is scrolled immediately while the user is dragging the scroll box ).


Enables vertical thumbtrack scrolling ( the table is scrolled immediately while the user is dragging the scroll box ).


Instead of the effective cell font, the table font is used for dropdown lists.


Instead of the effective cell font, the table font is used for popup edits.


Enables the use of variable row heights.

See also



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