Property editors
Property editors
M!Table provides property editors for table and column properties.
With these editors you can set M!Table properties at design time which are applied at runtime within MTblSubClass.
Table property editor
The table property editor has two pages.
On the page "Table" ( see Fig. 1.1 ) you can edit the table properties.
On the page "Columns" ( see Fig. 1.2 ) you can edit the properties of each column.
Fig. 1.1: Table property editor ( table page ) |
Fig. 1.2: Table property editor ( column page ) |
Column property editor
Fig. 1.3: Column property editor
IDE integration
The IDE integration is done by the Team Developer's Quick Object interface.
Step 1: Build mtprops.exe
- Open which is located in the folder corresponding to your Team Developer version and build an executable ( mtprops.exe ).
For example, if you're using Team Developer 3.1, open from the folder <folder where you've extracted M!Table>\MTbl\TD31. - Copy mtprops.exe to the location where your sources reside.
Step 2: Assign a property editor to a class
- Open a library or application where the desired class is located.
- Open the Quick Object Editor ( menu item "Quick Object Editor..." in the menu "Component" ).
- Select the desired class in the list "Classes".
- Type mtprops.exe into the field "Application Name".
- Choose the appropriate dialog from the combo box "Dialog Name":
When the selected class is a Child Table or Table Window class, choose dlgMTblPropEdit.
When the selected class is a Column class, choose dlgMTblColPropEdit. - Type something into the field "Command Text", e.g. M!Table Properties.
- Click the [Ok] button.
Fig. 2.1: Assigning the table property editor to a table class ( TD 1.5 ) |
Fig. 2.2: Assigning the column property editor to a column class ( TD 1.5 ) |
Step 3: Use it!
- Display the layout of a Form Window or Dialog Box which contains an appropriate table.
- Right click the table ( or a column ) to show the context menu.
- Click on the appropriate menu item ( e.g. M!Table Properties ) to show the property editor.
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