
M!Table provides an easy way to print a table and/or to display a print preview.
To print a table ( or to display a print preview ), use an instance of fcMTblPrintParams and define the parameters as desired. After that, pass that instance to MTblPrint.




Row Flags

Hints and tips

Keep successive rows together on one page
To keep successive rows together on one page, set the row flag MTBL_ROW_BLOCK_BEGIN at the first row and the row flag MTBL_ROW_BLOCK_END at the last row.
If a row with MTBL_ROW_BLOCK_BEGIN is found before a row with MTBL_ROW_BLOCK_END, the current block ends at the previous row and a new block begins.

Printing additional lines
It's possible to print additional lines, namely:

  • Title lines
    These lines are printed at the top of the the first page.
  • Page header lines
    These lines are printed at the top of every page. If it's the first page, they're printed below the title lines.
  • Page footer lines
    These lines are printed at the bottom of every page.
  • Total lines
    These lines are printed below the last table row

Use an instance of fcMTblPrintLine to define a line and add it to the appropriate line array of fcMTblPrintParams, e.g. to add page header lines:
Local variables
  fcMTblPrintLine: Line
  fcMTblPrintParams: Params
  ! Initialize the print parameters with default values
  Call Params.Init( )
  ! Inititialize the line with default values
  Call Line.Init( )
  ! Set the line's centered text
  Set Line.CenterText = "I'm a page header line"
  ! Add the line to the print parameter's page header lines
  Call Params.AddPageHeader( Line )
  ! OK, let's add another line
  Call Line.Init( )
  Set Line.CenterText = "And I'm the second page header line"
  Call Params.AddPageHeader( Line )

Lines may have several texts ( left, center, right and positioned ( see below ) ) and images ( left, center and right ). Furthermore, you can define the font size ( in relation to the table font size ), the font enhancements and the font color. And finally, you can set some flags.

Positioned texts in lines
As mentioned above, lines may have positioned texts. A positioned text is some kind of datafield with a fixed position and a size which can be fixed or dynamic. Furthermore, you can define the horizontal text justify.
Use an instance of fcMTblPrintLinePosText to define a positioned text and add it to the line, e.g.:

Local variables
  fcMTblPrintLine: Line
  fcMTblPrintLinePosText: PosText
  ! Inititialize the line with default values
  Call Line.Init( )
  ! Initialize the positioned text with default values
  Call PosText.Init( )
  ! Set the text
  Set PosText.Text = "I'm a positioned text"
  ! Set the position ( 10mm from the left margin )
  Set PosText.Left = 10
  ! Set a fixed width ( 50mm )
  Set PosText.Width = 50
  ! Set centered justify
  Set PosText.Justify = MTP_JFY_CENTER
  ! Add it to the line
  Line.AddPosText( PosText )
  ! OK, let's add another positioned text
  PosText.Init( )
  Set PosText.Text = "I'm another positioned text"
  Set PosText.Left = 100
  Set PosText.Width = 80
  Set PosText.Justify = MTP_JFY_RIGHT
  Line.AddPosText( )


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