bIsOwnerdrawn = MTblIsOwnerDrawnItem( hWndParam, nParam, nType )

Determines whether an item ( e.g. a cell ) is ownerdrawn.

Window Handle: Depends on nType. See Ownerdrawn items types and function parameters for further details.

Number: Depends on nType. See Ownerdrawn items types and function parameters for further details.

Number: Item type. See Ownerdrawn items types and function parameters for further details

Boolean: TRUE if the item is ownerdrawn or FALSE if not or an error occurred

In this example we check whether a column is ownerdrawn:

Set bIsOwnerdrawn = MTblIsOwnerDrawnItem( hWndCol, TBL_Error, MTBL_ODI_COLUMN )

Also returns TRUE for a cell if the appropriate column or row is ownerdrawn.
Also returns TRUE for a column header if the appropriate column is ownerdrawn.
Also returns TRUE for a row header if the appropriate row is ownerdrawn.

See also
Ownerdrawn items

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