Extended clipboard copying

M!Table provides clipboard functions without the 64 KB limitation of SalTblCopyRows.
Furthermore, it's possible to define the rows and columns to copy.

When [STRG]+[C] or [STRG]+[INS] is pressed, the selected cells are copied to clipboard.
A cell is considered selected
- when the cell is selected (cell flag MTBL_CELL_FLAG_SELECTED is set)
- If rows and columns are selected
 - when the row and the column of the cell are selected
- If only rows are selected
 - when the row of the cell is selcted
- If only columns are selected
 - when the column of the cell is selected
- If no cells, rows or columns are selected
 - when the cell or the row of the cell has the focus

Just before the selected cells are copied to clipboard, MTM_Copy is sent to the table.
To avoid copying, return MTBL_NODEFAULTACTION.



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