bOk = MImgSetWMFLoadSize( nLoadWidth, nLoadHeight )

Sets the fixed size of subsequent loaded WMF images.

Number: The load width or 0 to use the original width

Number: The load height or 0 to use the original height

Number: TRUE if successful or FALSE if an error occurs


! Set the load size to 32 * 32 pixels
Call MImgSetWMFLoadSize( 32, 32 )
! This WMF image will have a size of 32 * 32
Set nImage = MImgLoadFromFile( "c:\\test.wmf", MIMG_TYPE_WMF, 0 )
! And this, too
Set nImage = MImgLoadFromFile( "c:\\test2.wmf", MIMG_TYPE_WMF, 0 )
! Use original width/height from now on
Call MImgSetWMFLoadSize( 0, 0 )
! This WMF image will have its original size
Set nImage = MImgLoadFromFile( "c:\\test3.wmf", MIMG_TYPE_WMF, 0 )

See also

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