bOk = MTblSetNodeImages( hWndTbl, nImageColl, nImageExp, nFlags )

Sets the images to display as node in collapsed and/or expanded state.

Window Handle: Handle of the table

Number: The image to display in collapsed state. Image handle returned by one of the MImgLoad functions or 0 to display the default node (+).

Number: The image to display in expanded state. Image handle returned by one of the MImgLoad functions or 0 to display the default node (-).

Number: The image flags.

Boolean: TRUE if successful or FALSE if an error occurs


Call MTblSetNodeImages( hWndTbl, nImageColl, nImageExp, MTSI_REDRAW )

You have to use handles returned by M!Image functions. Handles returned by VicPicLoad or by API functions can't be used.

The image is horizontally and vertically centered within the bounds of the node.
If the image height exceeds the node height, the image is top aligned.
If the image width exceeds the node width, the image is left aligned.

See also
Tree view
Custom Images

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